- Admission Criteria (OC – 8): i) Students who have passed Plus 2 (10+2) in their respective stream or an equivalent Examination from any stream from recognized Board in India or abroad which is considered as equivalent by the University shall be eligible for admission into the First Semester of Honours Degree Course.
- Students who passed Plus 2 (10+2) or an equivalent examination from any stream from recognized Board in India/abroad has the option to change to Arts Stream and the students from the Science Stream has the option to change Commerce Stream only.
- Registration (RC-9): A student shall be required to be registered under the University within One Semester of his/her enrolment.
- Transfer (RC-9): No Inter-College transfer among the College shall be allowed beyond the First Semester Examinations. Other transfer shall be allowed only on merit of each case.
- Change of Centre of Examination (RC-9): Change of Examination Centre is not permitted to a Centre/College to which the affiliation of the subjects/course has been given by the University.
- Duration of the Honours Degree level Examination (OC – 8):
- The Honours Degree Course will be comprise of 6 (Six) Semesters spread over 3 (Three) Academic Years.
- Semester means a half-yearly program or term of studies.
- 1st (First), 3rd (Third), 5th (Fifth) Semesters will be Odd Semester.
- 2nd (Second), 4th (Fourth) and 6th (Sixth) Semesters will be Even Semester.
Conduct of Examination (RC-9):
- At the end of each Semester, there shall be an examination as per the Semester Academic Calendar given below:
- Evaluation in each Course shall be on the basis of performance through continuous assessment and the end of Semester Examinations. The weightage assigned to the continuous assessment and end Semester Examinations shall be in the ratio 1:3. Academic Calendar for Semester Under Graduate Teaching in Affiliated College (Clause 8 of Ordinance OC – 15)
Sl.No. | Academic Activity | Date/Period |
1. | Admission to Odd Semesters I,III,V | Process of admission to be completed before 15th June |
2. | Commencement of Odd Semester Classes | From 16th June |
3. | Commencement of Odd Semester Examination | From 1st October to 9th November |
4. | Commencement of Event Semester Classes (II,IV,VI) | From 10th November |
5. | Winter Vacation | From 20th December to 9th February |
6. | Resumption of Even Semester Examination | From 10th February |
7. | Commencement of Even Semester Examination | From 21st April to 30th May |
8. | Summer Vacation | 1st June to 15th |
9. | Publication of Results i) Odd Semester Examinations |
5th December |
ii) Even Semester Examinations | 5th July |
N.B.: The above date/period relating to Academic activities are tentative and subject to alternation.
Subject Combination (RC-12)
A student shall be allowed to opt for Honours Course in the subject and corresponding Elective Subjects either fro Elective Group – A or Group – B as indicated in the following table:
Eligibility for Subject Combinations (Subjects which are affiliated to the University)
Sl.No | Honours Elective | Elective Group-A | Elective Group-B |
1. | English | History, Pol.Science | Philosophy |
2. | Garo | Nil | History, Pol.Science |
3. | Education | History, Pol.Science | History, Pol.Science |
4. | History | Economics, Pol.Science | Garo Elective, Pol.Science |
5. | Philosophy | Garo Elective, Pol.Science | Economics, History |
6. | Political Science | Nil | History, Economics |
7. | Economics | Pol.Science, History | Nil |
8. | Assamese as Modern Indian Language |
- Any two subjects can be taken from Group A and B.
- Elective Language refers to Garo.No.Other Subjects.
Improvement facilities:
The facilities for improvement will be extended to a student securing less than 45% marks in any of the papers.
Results and Classification
- First Division: 60%
- Second Division: 45%
- Third Division: 33%
- Fail: Less than 33%
- The students must attend classes regularly for Internal Assessment which will carry 25% for each subject/paper.
- Each student must secure 75% attendance in each subject to appear External Examination.
- Non-Regular students who are in Service or engaged in any activities cannot be admitted into Semester system. Regular students can be admitted into such system due to internal assessment/continuous assessment.
Wishing an aspiring student a great success in future.
Admission Procedure
- Admission form and Prospectus will be availed from the office of the Principal on payment of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) only.
- Application form for admission into all the classes (Class – XI to Degree Course) along with the prescribed fees will be accepted within the stipulated date.
- Admission shall be rejected after the last date as per updated notification.
- Required fees at the time of admission shall be realized and it is non-refundable.
- Submission of attested copies of certificates is very important at the time of admission.
- Applicants are advised to read all the instructions given in the Prospectus.
Fees Structure for academic session
General rules of the College:
- The students should abide by the rules and regulations of the college.
- Students must be regular and punctual in attending the classes as well as other short time/duration programmes under the different heads of curricular activities under UGC schemes. They should be aware of the fact that for appearing University/Board and Internal Examinations it is a must to have at least 75% attendance (Class). Besides participation in all the college activities are desired.
- The College gives top priority to sanitation and cleanliness on its premises. They, therefore, must be maintained at all costs. Unwanted things/pieces of paper must be thrown in the specified Rubbish Box only.
- Writing and striking on the walls are prohibited. Spitting here and there is strictly prohibited.
- Use of mobile phones inside the college campus is a punishable offence.
- Roaming in the building-corridors is not allowed.
- A boy-student must have a decent hair-cut while in college area.
- A girl-student while putting on her dresses must have decency in her mind.
- Students must develop their reading habits for which they are suggested to use library, especially when they have no classes.
- Each student must have a College identity Card which must be brought to college for the purpose of being produced wherever and whenever asked for.
- Maintenance of discipline and peace in the collage premises is the duty and responsibility of each and every student.
- Intoxication/Smoking is very strictly prohibited within the college campus.
- One must be aware that so long one is in the college campus one is under the surveillance of C.C.T.V.