National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
Statement of Compliance NAAC
Assessment Outcome: (1stCycle-2018)
Mendipathar College has been Accredited by NAAC with a CGPA of 1.9 on a seven point scale at “C” Grade valid for a period of five years from 26-09-2018. To see the Assessment Outcome Documents click on the following links.
Assessment Outcome Documents (1stCycle-2018)
To see please click on the following links (In case the left click does not open the following files please right click on the file name, copy the link address, paste in the address bar of the browser and press the enter key)
- Certificate of Accreditation and Quality Profile
- Institutional_Grade_Sheet
- Peer Team Report
- Graphical Representation based on QnM & QlM_pdf
- Graphical Representation based on QnM & QlM_html
Video of NAAC Peer Team Visit: 1st Cycle – 2018
Event: NAAC Peer Team visited Mendipathar College for onsite verification on 10th & 11th August 2018.
Self Study Report – 1st Cycle (2018)_ To see click here
If the above link is not working, please copy the below link and paste on Browser for Data Templates MS Excel File-